Blog — The Urban Doll


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Bay Area Stylist and Lifestyle Blogger


Personal style blogger & California Esthetician

Busy Busy

Navita Margueritte

Home decor can be an extension of your personal style and to be honest, I never thought of my living spaces that way, I normally viewed them as a place to sleep and hold my stuff. I was more preoccupied with my “routine” of going-going that I didn’t realize I was not enjoying my surroundings.

I recently moved and though moving/unpacking is my least favorite thing to do, I love that there is an opportunity to start over and think of my intentions for this space. This year my focus has been to be more present, which I feel goes hand in hand with being intentional. This new space will be open and one of learning, healing, and growth.

I have noticed that since my first apartment at 19 I have not personally decorated any place I have lived in. I have amazingly talented sisters and friends who have transformed each space of mine into a cozy home, so this space feels very personal because I have loved envisioning how I want this healing space to look like and seeing it come to life!

Here’s a glimpse of one wall that went from concept to reality. I love this peel and stick wallpaper I found at Target, it’s perfect for apartment living since it’s not supposed to leave any residue. You can find the links below! Welcome to my home virtually. ✨

The futon game has changed considerably since I was a teen. They now look like really cool couches. I love this retro looking couch I found online here.

The beginning stages of The new Urban Doll work space with a funky vase filled with my favorite fresh flowers. Peel and stick wallpaper by Opal house.

The beginning stages of The new Urban Doll work space with a funky vase filled with my favorite fresh flowers. Peel and stick wallpaper by Opal house.

The Music Tree Tee (aka-Designer Self-portrait Tee)

Navita Margueritte

In 2012 I created the Urban Doll Vintage shop and though I love vintage for many reasons, I knew my true passion was to design clothes. In beauty school, I would “sketch” designs that were in my head and spend my breaks at the fabric store down the street, Even though I wouldn’t buying anything, it was enough to simply be in the presence of fabrics wrapped so perfectly waiting to be made into something special.

Design school seemed so unattainable at the time because I was thinking very one-dimensional. Decades later, I realized that was a limiting belief and have changed what was in my way. (Spoiler alert! It was me) back in 2012; I had the idea for an off-shoot of The Urban Doll where I would make simple goods including Graphic Tees. Aside from stick figures, I am not the drawer, but knew what designs I wanted to make so I asked my partner at the time if he could draw me a giraffe eating from a tree with music note leaves, and he did along with a couple of other designs I had in my head. I ended up curbing that off-shoot idea and focusing on the vintage and styling of my business.

When I finally got around to designing again, I was nudged by a couple of people who knew about the design to print it and so I finally set out to complete and get produced my first graphic tee design, and here you have what I call The Music Tree Tee (inspired by one of my favorite books the Giving Tree) aka- the designer self-portrait Tee because I love music and I feel like giraffes have my soul! the text says “j’aime la musique” which translates I love music. This design has a special place in my heart, being that it is my first one ever and I am excited to share it with all of you.

The Original draft circa 2012.

The Original draft circa 2012.